Your Research Consultation
Here’s to the smart ones. The corporate talent seekers. The Intellerati.
Something tells us you may be . . . well . . . smarter than most hiring executives or talent acquisition leaders. Chances are you have grown weary of search firms that say they’re different, yet turn out to be pretty much the same. That sameness is what worries you. You’ve seen executive searches hit the wall and it isn’t pretty. You’ve even tried other recruiting research firms. But their lists of names are not viable candidates.
That said, you understand recruiting top-performing leadership talent is not an easy thing to do. You are not expecting a panacea for all that ails executive recruiting. It is just that you’ve had the nagging sense that there has to be a better way to recruit the right executives and technologists to your team. A smarter way. Investigative research is how you get there. Welcome to the Intellerati.
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2. Reserve time directly on our calendar.
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